The menu of Bodega La Pascuala is extensive and popular with families far and wide. They serve typically traditional dishes such as paella. Their claim to fame and fine reputation in Valencia stems, however, from enormous bocadillos. These are so generously sized, that they are often shared.
The restaurant is located near the coastline in the district of Cabanyal.
The menu of Bodega La Pascuala is extensive. Their menu includes typically traditional dishes such as paella. Their widespread popularity and reputation stem from another variety of food.
The restaurant is located in the district of Cabanyal, which is nestled next to the coastline. The neighbourhood is an eclectic mix of traditional fishermen’s housing. Many display decorative Moorish architectural influence sit between popular clubs and bistros. Due to its popularity with families far and wide, it is often full, especially at weekends.
Head two blocks away from the promenade to discover the most enormous bocadillos available anywhere. These baguettes are not to be taken lightly. Available with a variety of fillings, some manage to eat one on their own, far more choose to share.
By Vincent Green, Jul 12 2018
La Marina de València is a unique district that combines business, cultural and public activities in a maritime environment. Nestled cheerfully between the main beach of Valencia and commercial harbour, it is a phenomenal space that excites and surprises.
Bodega La Pascuala
Carrer del Dr. Lluch, 299
46011 Valencia
+34 963 713 814