Mind, Body, Spirit, Life
Birthing The New Humanity

Much has been written about the early phases of an infant’s life while teachings on pregnancy and birth have become more qualified over recent decades. Ancient statements such as “being born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth” exist, as do remarkable stories of individuals across the globe overcoming enormous poverty or other deprived family circumstances. These all concern children in their postnatal world.
A movement has been growing more recently that addresses the prenatal period, the time spent in the womb. The phenomenal effects of a mother’s circumstances during the few last months of pregnancy have been studied and acknowledged. Inspiring insights concerning this critical period in an unborn baby’s life are coming to the fore. These and other fascinating aspects of awareness are the foundation for a global movement known as Birthing the new Humanity.
Sacred Feminine Global Summit
Building upon a multitude of themes during their last summit, BTNH’s global community is now addressing the multifaceted topic of breastfeeding. Their online Sacred Feminine: Breastfeeding The New Humanity Global Summit from August 1 to August 7 will investigate societal consequences, misunderstandings and widely underestimated pitfalls from all angles.
From body, breasts and boys to global health and wellbeing, join Birthing The New Humanity once again on a fascinating journey of healing and transformation. This is no ordinary Breastfeeding Summit because BTNH have widened the narrative to include, for instance, a highly topical teen and youth panel.
The summit not only concerns new moms and dads. It is all-inclusive. Those with breasts and those without, those who need healing, those who have breastfed and those who haven’t. And those who are looking for lasting solutions to health, happiness and thriving.
Most importantly, this latest global summit will help you:
- Understand the root cause of so many diseases
- Change your narrative concerning your body and breasts
- Learn the amazing science behind mother’s milk
- Discover what new dads are doing and why
- Learn how to heal trauma, get to the root cause of many diseases and prevent them from reoccurring in your family, society and the world
- Hear more about big pharma and people’s suffering as they are kept addicted to medication and infant formula
- Lift the narrative into the landscape of leading-edge science, energy medicine and spirituality
Fortunately people like many in BTNH are waking up and finding natural solutions that either don’t cost a penny nor an arm or a leg. We are offering you one of these solutions to individual, societal and global challenges. This means that it will help you to get to the root cause of many illnesses, heal and change the world for future generations so that we stop trying to continually find cures, suffer and patch up but rather finally change the paradigm and get to enjoy life-long health and wellbeing from the start.
For instance, if you haven’t been breastfed nor exclusively for the first six months, you can learn how to heal the symptoms you may be experiencing right now as a direct result!
Womb to Thrive Global Summit
The online Womb to Thrive Global Summit from May 14 to May 29 2022 brought together leading-edge international global experts to reflect, share their wisdom and knowledge, as well as hands-on experiences. The core question throughout is why do we get stressed and live in a fearful world? And is it really meant to be like this?
Are we really meant to thrive, not just survive? The answer is yes. But, unfortunately, we don’t get “hard-wired” for this when we are developing in our mothers’ womb. However, we can actually re-set the clock and get re-wired to thrive now. Yes, we can change human nature. BTNH is sure you’ll agree this is a must if we are to change the destructive course humanity is taking and give everyone a new start to Claim their Birthright and start thriving.
Power to Create International Conference
The Power to Create global online gathering from November 20 to November 29 is bringing together thought-leaders, professionals, educators, parents, youth and change-makers to learn, discuss, explore and share how we can use our power to create and procreate to birth the new thriving human family.
The global community Birthing The New Humanity works in a multi-disciplinary and holistic manner so that every child receives the best possible start from before conception, the optimal conditions to develop in utero, a calm respectful natural birth, breastfeeding and nurturing care in harmony with Mother Nature.
During these thought-provoking ten days the world becomes a village and all people join as one family. Meet new friends, share ideas, join on-going groups and create with those who are making a difference for our global community. If we can’t change the world alone, let’s do it together!
A Global Movement
In a world striving for change, the true health and wellbeing of every human being is key to our ability to readdress any and every aspect of life. Including our bodily home and environment as well as our interaction with other species and Mother Earth herself.
A paradigm shift is necessary to use our creative power consciously starting at the very beginning of life. What we know about the long-term impact of very early parenting and our experiences even before birth are critical to our human existence.
Join the dynamic inspiring conversation, learn, network, meet new colleagues and friends to grow together. You’ll learn how the beginning of your life effects you and how to heal early trauma. Discover also what is leading to the unleashed violence, egoism, greed, depression, illness and needless suffering.
The BTNH Objectives
Whilst heads of governments the world over are now fully aware that the window of opportunity for the long-term thriving of humanity is from conception to infancy this has been over-shadowed by short-term political and financial gain. The world situation is changing and the gap between the hard-core egotistical self-gratifying bullies and those seeking a thriving humanity and a sustainable way of life for all is widening. Yes, we all have a choice but the only real choice left is to start from the beginning of the life-cycle to provide the best possible conditions for each baby to develop in optimal health, happiness, love and well being. The survival of humanity is at stake and the way to survive is to take the route to thriving. BTNH objectives are to:
- Raise awareness of the critical time of human development from before conception to age three and its life-long effect on the individual, the family, society and humanity
- Make known that the human being is conscious in the womb, is learning about him/herself and life as experienced by the mother, father and environmental influences
- Change the paradigm of birth: birth is a natural physiological process that is meant to be comfortable, in the absence of fear and stress, when parents are offered the possibility in more natural environments to live the birth experience together in love, joy, celebration and welcoming their conscious baby who is participating in this event
- Provide maternal empowerment and support for parents to give their best to their baby during the time it matters most before, during and after birth
- Provide a holistic approach to life balancing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development
- Provide a living connection with and respect for the innate intelligence, love and balance in Mother Nature
- Work towards a conscious and thriving Human Family where the role of conscious holistic parenting, motherhood and early childhood development is at the centre
- Work towards achieving the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in a holistic “new paradigm” manner based on wisdom, love, integrity, transparency and multi-disciplinary collaboration with governments, non-governmental organisations and society
- Offer consultancy, policy advice, expertise through its experts members and thought leaders, to maternity and health services, hospitals, birth centres, clinics and birth organisations
- Hold live and online events, workshops, media interviews and campaigns etc. to inform, educate and train youth, individuals, couples, families, professionals and society at large
- Unite multi-disciplinary professionals, experts, thought leaders and organisations providing a basis for sharing best practices, knowledge, wisdom, sciences and expertise that contribute towards the holistic understanding and implementation of conscious pre-conception preparation, prenatal parenting, natural birth, post partum, lactation and early parenting
- Provide and facilitate the sharing and advocacy for “health and wellbeing” policy inclusion of holistic modalities for healing early trauma and limiting sub-conscious programming stemming particularly from conception, prenatal life, birth, postpartum and early childhood
- Act as the “go to place” for youth, parents, professionals, media, organisations and policy makers for the new paradigm of very early childhood development, birth, holistic parenting and healing
- Contribute to this fundamental paradigm shift from fear to love by changing the public understanding through campaigns, social media presence, online summits, expert interviews, courses, trainings and more.
Our world is in turmoil and current major global challenges are affecting everyone and everything on our planet. Poverty, violence, human trafficking, intolerance, physical and mental disease, social disconnection, loneliness and depression are rampant. Uncontrolled greed and corruption are causing unnecessary drought, famine and the poisoning of our Mother Earth, threatening humanity’s very existence.
Whilst the situation seems overwhelming with little hope of real lasting change, we actually stand before an unprecedented opportunity. We have the chance to make a quantum leap in human evolution. Increasingly people are waking up and hearing the call for a paradigm shift, a need to participate and “birth the changes” we wish to see in the world.
By BTNH & Vincent Green / Nov 16 2020
Birthing The New Humanity
Association Suryoma

Walking in Valencia reveals a compact city centre that is pleasing on the eye, with architecture from many periods. The expansive beach invites with its smooth sand and distant horizon. The Turia offers greenery, blossoms and shade on hot summer days.

The street art scene in this Mediterranean city is alive and thriving. Tiny, hardly noticeable, scenes vie for attention as passionately as many vast, metre-high murals. Many pieces appear harmonious, others make a more aggressive statement.