When moving to a new home in Spain, the regulatory framework offers a few options. As always on this beautiful planet we inhabit, our country of birth or current nationality plays a key role to our options concerning residency.
A few other insights, information and knowledge may serve to make the transition smoother during relocation. Spaniards are as unique as any other nationality. Society and Folk reflects upon the host country and give hints about customs and habits. Service and tipping or behaviours such as nudity and jaywalking also help to enable understanding. Getting around in the city is as important as is knowing more about the chosen location of Valencia and its topics.Â
Knowing where to find others foreign nationals in a similar situation may be important when socialising as well as discovering what is going on throughout the year in the city.
Pets often accompany their humans on a move, so the do’s and don’t apply for them too. Movie lovers wish to know which films are screening in original English and in which movie theatres. Then, of course, discovering the most enjoyable places to drink coffee and to go out in general rank high on the list of things to do for expats in the wonderful city of Valencia.
Your publisher of Amazing Capitals Valencia extends a warm welcome to you. May your transition be smooth and your life’s next chapter be a joyful experience. The former Mayor and the administration supported the creation of this expat eGuide, driven by their wish that international residents may feel at home here.
By Vincent Green, Mar 11 2024
Original language movies are screened regularly in Valencia. Expats and locals head especially to Babel and Yelmo to enjoy films mostly with subtitles, VOS or VOSE or, at times without, VO. Both art house and blockbusters can be seen.
The street art scene in this Mediterranean city is alive and thriving. Tiny, hardly noticeable, scenes vie for attention as passionately as many vast, metre-high murals. Many pieces appear harmonious, others make a more aggressive statement.
Hiking in Valencia
Hiking and trekking in the Valencia region is initially a matter of transport. Areas of interest for hiking are some 60 kilometres and more away from the city. Examples include Calles to Chelva, Navajas or Montanejos. Most are only accessible by car. Fortunately, one or two few can also be reached by train.