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© Amazing Capitals / DeiaGreg
The City of Arts and Sciences reveals a mix of phenomenal and stunning architecture. Beyond design, audiences adore the diversity of themes addressed. It has thus become a most important tourist attraction in Valencia. Local and expat residents find the displays on offer exciting too. The City of Arts and Sciences is located in the former Turia riverbed. Following the flood in 1957, the river was rerouted. Construction took 9 years across the transition of the millennia.

Six spaces

The Oceanografic is Europe’s largest aquarium. It is the home of a wide selection of waterborne and amphibious species. The Palacio de las Artes houses the opera and performance arts. It presents fine productions and famous performers. The Museo de las Ciencias is a museum of life, science and technology. Interactive exhibits are designed to stimulate curiosity. They also inspire critical thinking. In the Hemisfèric, cinemas show educational and topical films on quality screens. This was the first building to be completed. A variety of Mediterranean vegetation grows along the landscaped Umbracle. Its constant change throughout the seasons makes the walkway an attractive place to stroll. The views across the Turia are beautiful, especially at sunset. The last building to be completed was the Àgora. The impressive structure hosts various events.

What is the City of Arts and Sciences known as locally? Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències in Valencian and Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias in Castellano.

By Vincent Green, Feb 20 2019

Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias

Av. Professor López Piñero, 7
46013 Valencia
+34 961 974 400


The events calendar is a source of exciting things to do in Valencia throughout the year. These are larger activities that include a description and information source.


La Marina de València is a unique district that combines business, cultural and public activities in a maritime environment. Nestled cheerfully between the main beach of Valencia and commercial harbour, it is a phenomenal space that excites and surprises.

Walking in Valencia.

The Turia, as the river is known, reaches from the Biopark in the north-west to the City of Arts and Sciences in the south-east. It offers an enormous variety of spaces for indoor and outdoor sports. Magnificent trees, some blossoming in bright colours, offer important shade for walking.